One Health in future policies: Cooperation, gender, and health financing
- 9 Sep - 9 Sep
- Italy
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The webinar "One Health in future policies: Cooperation, gender, and health financing" will be held Thursday 9th September 2021 from 1:30pm-3:30pm CEST. Online registration is open until 6 September. Interpretation will be available in Italian-English.
The webinar has the objective of facilitating the dialogue among civil society and Italian and international institutions on some cross-cutting issues pertaining to the G20 Sherpa Track Working Groups “Health” and “Development”, and to the G20 Finance Track. For this reason, the initiative will take place between the G20 Health Ministers’ Meeting and the 4th G20 Development WG Meeting, as well as in the run-up to the G20 Joint Finance and Health Ministers’ Meeting.
Starting from the “One Health” approach, which is a priority of the G20 Italian Presidency Health Agenda and is addressed by the Development Agenda as well, we will explore a number of closely related aspects and proposals, while maintaining the centrality of global health: international cooperation and its linkage with the 2030 Agenda, the future of global health architecture, and health financing. Such issues will be discussed adopting a gender perspective, in order to assure an inclusive approach as a basis for future policies.