This event organised by the Global Labour University will take place on 3 - 5 March, 14:00 - 15:30 CET, and it will be centered on questions related to global migration and trade unions.
The aim of this three-day event is to create the space for an open engagement on the complex challenges facing migrants, trade unions, and activists, as well as shed light on promising responses, whether in the area of innovative forms of organizing, or the development of transnational trade union networks. The workshop will draw on the experience of a number of union representatives, activists, and leading scholars in the field of labour migration.
Note: All the plenary sessions will have a live interpretation into French, Spanish and Portuguese.
3 March 2021 14:00 - 15:30
Plenary Session: Situating migration in global labour transformations
Chair: Mark Anner, PennState / GLU
Neoliberal capitalism and migrants - Praveen Jha, Jawaharlal Nehru University / GLU
Migrant organising as a pathway to union renewal: Experiences from east and southeast Asia - Michele Ford, The University of Sydney
How trade unions fight for migrants - and what we can do better? - Chidi King, ITUC
4 March 2021 14:00 - 15:30
Plenary Session: Organizing migrant workers: Trade union initiatives and challenges
Chair: Clair Siobhan Ruppert, CUT / GLU
Protecting migrant workers in Tunisia: A trade union-led approach - Zoubeida Nakib, UGTT
Organising workers within the Germany-Philippines bilateral labour agreement on nurses - Herbert Beck, Ver.di, and Jillian Roque, PSLINK
Organising migrant construction workers in Qatar - Ambet Yuson, BWI
5 March 2021 14:00 - 17:30
Plenary Session: Migrant self-organizing and civil society partnerships
Chair: Martina Sproll, Berlin School of Economics and Law / GLU
Beyond ‘integration’: Migrant self-organizing inside and outside traditional unions - Gabriella Alberti, Leeds University
El Ejido 20 years later: From xenophobic attacks to the construction of a migrant worker organization (Speaker TBA)
The role of immigrant workers on revitalizing the labor movement - Yanira Merino, LIUNA & LCLAA
Closing Session: What’s next? (45 minutes x 2 – format will be confirmed closer to the workshop)
Chair: Nicolas Pons-Vignon, SUPSI
Note: the event is free of charge
Migration and trade unions
Join leading trade unionists, scholars and activists and participate in an exciting discussion organised by the Global Labour University.
click here for more information