LRGNEXT2021 Thematic Session #2: Remunicipalisation | Public Services 2.0
- 15 Oct - 15 Oct
- Geneva, Switzerland
13:00 - 16:00 CEST
The second thematic session of PSI's Local & Regional Government (LRG) Network Series, is taking place on 15 October, from 1-4pm CEST
The series is composed of six sessions running from 15 September to 3rd December 2021. All sessions are online. Each thematic session is composed of two segments as follows: an initial kick-off contribution by affiliates, experts and allied organisations as appropriate (30 min); a plenary discussion (30 min); and a summary of key conclusions and action points (15 min).
I. Remunicipalisation: Reclaiming local public services for all

The growing trend of returning privatised services under public ownership and control is primarily taking place at a municipal level. All over the world, citizens, public authorities and labour unions have been mobilising to bring vital services and infrastructures back into public hands.
LRG workers and unions play a critical role in these processes. The Covid crisis has emboldened collective demands for public investment in local public services and remunicipalisation
Welcome and opening contributions:
Andrew Cumbers, University of Glasgow, UK
Daniel Papps, United Services Union (USU), Australia
Anand Jammu, Nagpur Municipal Corporation Employees Union (NMCE), India
Kevin Donoghue, FORSA, Ireland
Speakers videos & presentations
II. Public Services 2.0: Democratic governance and participation in local public services

Remunicipalisation provides an opportunity to build a new generation of local quality public services that are innovative, participatory, accountable, democratic, and work for people and their communities.
This vision must fully include workers and their trade unions. It provides a unique space to pioneer new, progressive staff management and worker participation practices while creating quality employment in local communities, all while delivering universal access to quality public services
Welcome and opening contributions:
Edurne Bagué, Universitat de Girona, Spain
Romaric Montbobier, CGT SP, Eau de Paris, France