LRGNEXT2021 Thematic Session #1: Public Financing | Digitalisation
- 30 Sep - 30 Sep
- Geneva, Switzerland
13:00 - 16:00 CET
This session is part of the Local and Regional Workers Network Series 2021 (LRGNEXT2021). The series is composed of six 3-hour sessions running from 15 September to 3rd December 2021.
All sessions are online. Each thematic session is composed of two segments as follows: an initial kick-off contribution by affiliates, experts and allied organisations as appropriate (30 min); a plenary discussion (30 min); and a summary of key conclusions and action points (15 min).
View the full session online or watch the speaker extracts below.
I. Public financing for quality local public services
In 2021, LRGs worldwide will have lost on average of between 15-25 percent in revenues. Left unaddressed, this crisis can trigger cuts and job losses in vital local public services at a time when they are most needed, exacerbating inequalities and compromising recovery.
This session will explore the shared challenges, good practices and opportunities for LRGs to finance universal quality local public services for all and will discuss what LRG workers and their unions can do about it. It will look at what options are available to ensure local public services are sustainably funded with public resources and kept under public ownership/control. Finally, it will highlight the connection between adequately funded local public services, decent employment conditions for LRG workers, and socio-economic inclusion in cities and territories.
Welcome and opening contributions:
Robert Ramsay, CUPE, Canada
Jon Richards, UNISON, United Kingdom
Mathilde Penard, UCLG Local Finance, United Cities and Local Governments
Speakers videos and presentations
II. The digitalisation of LRG services and workplaces
The introduction of digital technologies in local public services has been fast forwarded by the Covid pandemic. It has cast a major impact on public service delivery, quality, and access for users. It has also transformed LRG jobs and posed new, previously unexplored challenges on LRG workers’ conditions.
This session will look at what LRG unions are already doing to confront these challenges and at what more is needed to drive forms of public service digitalisation that are publicly led and controlled in the common interest, while ensuring good LRG workers’ conditions and inclusive quality services.
Welcome and opening contributions/closing remarks:
Christina J. Colclough, Consultant PSI “Our Digital Future” Project
Daniel Bertossa, PSI