LRGNext2021 - Thematic Session #4: Care | Climate & Emergencies
- 18 Nov - 18 Nov
- Geneva, Switzerland
The fourth thematic session of PSI's Local & Regional Government (LRG) Network Series, taking place on Thursday 18 November, from 1-4pm CEST.
All sessions are online. Each thematic session is composed of two segments as follows: an initial kick-off contribution by affiliates, experts and allied organisations as appropriate (30 min); a plenary discussion (30 min); and a summary of key conclusions and action points (15 min).
I. LRG and the territorial dimension of care

Social care, whether public or private, is often subsidised, regulated and provided through at a local and regional government level. It is often delivered via community health centres and homes. In some countries, care remains a highly feminized, undervalued, precarious and informal profession, even when delivered within a LRG framework.
Covid has unveiled the deep injustice and major shortcomings embedded in the current social organisation of care. This session will discuss issues, good practices and proposals for change. It will be co-designed with PSI’s Health and Social Services and Gender Equality staff.
Welcome and opening contributions
Banaani Deka, Project Organiser South Asia, PSI
Dries Goedertier, CSGP-ACOD, Belgium
Cecilia Fraga, Researcher, PSI
Closing remarks
Karol Florek, Researcher
Speakers videos & presentations
II. LRG and the territorial dimension of climate, public emergencies and environmental protection

Cities and regions are at the forefront of the climate crisis, which is causing more frequent and severe disasters, requiring stronger public emergency response mechanisms. LRGs have the potential to cut up to one-third of global greenhouse gases and many are implementing climate innovation.
They are also key to protect public health, the environment, green spaces and natural resources. LRG workers such as first responders, firefighters, waste workers, rangers and urban planners and their unions must have decent working conditions and respect for trade union rights to enable them to fully engage in all the challenges ahead, both in the risks they assume in their work and the skills and dedication they bring to bear.
Welcome and opening contributions
Sandra Van Niekerk, Climate Change Project Coordinator, PSI
Helene Davis-Whyte, JALGO, Jamaica
Gerardo Juara, AGOEC Trabajadorxs del Ambiente, Argentina
Speakers videos & presentations
Background documents:
Related LRG policy briefs
Additional resources
Care services:
Florek, K., Resilience of the Long-Term Care Sector. Early Key Lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic, EPSU, October 2021
PSI, The Social Organisation of Care: A Global Snapshot, October 2021
PSI, Care Manifesto: Rebuilding the social organisation of care, 2021
CUPE, Fix long-term care now. Campaign to make Canadian care services public 2020
UNISON Ethical Care Charter, 2012
Kallon, I., The Situation of Community Health Workers in Africa, PSI-FNV 2020
PSI, Fighting Covid on the frontlines: Stories of South Asia’s Community Health Workers, 2020
Crises, disasters & the environment:
PSI, Confronting the Climate Crisis: Time to Act, 2020 (ES, FR, PT, SW, RU)
CUPE, National Environmental Policy 2021 (FR)
ILO, Guidelines on decent work in public emergency services, 2018 (ES, FR)
Van Niekerk, S., Weghmann, V., Municipal solid waste management services in Africa and the Arab countries, PSI, 2019 (FR, AR)
Cibrario, D. To ensure sustainable waste services, we must value waste workers and make sure they are in decent jobs, Spotlight on Sustainable Development Report 2018 (ES, FR)
Lethbridge, J., Municipal solid waste management services in Latin America, 2018 (ES)