Launch of the joint PSI-EPSU European Commission-funded project on insourcing – INQPS
- 19 Apr - 19 Apr
- Brussels, Belgium
14:00 - 16:00 CEST
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The joint PSI-EPSU European Commission-funded project on insourcing – INQPS – will get underway with an online launch on Wednesday 19 April 2023 at 14.00 CET (find your local time here).
This kick-off meeting will bring together the Project Steering Committee and the appointed expert contractors EPSU and PSI recently identified. This meeting will be in English only.
Project Purpose
As extensively explained in the project bid, the aim of the project is to create an online, on-demand, multi-language training course to assist affiliates in planning and developing their work and campaigns around remunicipalisation/insourcing and it will aim to bring to life, in an accessible way, research and campaigning material on the challenges in de-privatising public services and bringing them back in-house, including the labour dimensions that such processes may entail. Much of it will be based on key resources from PSI, EPSU and national affiliates, including PSI’s 2020 “Remunicipalisation guide for workers and trade unions. Taking our Public Services Back In-house” and its 50-case compendium, and related research, video and union materials gathered by PSI and EPSU unions until now.
Join the Steering Committee
EPSU and PSI will consult affiliates during the project and gather their input, expertise and trade unions materials, in particular through a Project Steering Committee that will work in principally in ENGLISH, which we hope you will be able to join. Calls to join the Steering Committee were already circulated to EPSU and PSI affiliates in 2022.
We also welcome pro bono advisors to the Steering Committee among those experts, academia and allies who have worked and/or continue to work with PSI and EPSU on de-privatisation.
Save the dates
The main work of the project will be carried out between April and December 2023 with a view to publishing and promoting the course in early 2024.
EPSU and PSI have planned six meetings – three online and three in-person.
The online meetings will be on:
19 April 2023 2pm CET (find your local time here).
15 June 2023
12 September 2023
The in-person meetings will be one-day events in Brussels (Belgium) on:
28 September 2023
21 November 2023
12 December 2023
Even if you cannot make all these meetings, we would appreciate your input all along the project and will aim to facilitate contact with all colleagues, including those based outside of Europe.
We will strive to have the next two online meetings in time zones that allow once participation from Asia / Pacific (the morning) and once participation from North and Latin America (second part of the afternoon). We also aim at having concise of the meetings are made in English - we will translate and distribute in English and French.
We very much hope that you will support us in the project and provide the input from national level that will ensure that the training course is as relevant and helpful as possible.
Should you be interested to take part to the online meeting
19 April 2023 2pm CET (find your local time here).
please write to and we will send you the zoom link to join in.
Should you have any question about the project and your participation please contact the three project leads.
For EPSU: Paola PANZERI, Richard POND,
*This project is carried out with the financial support of the European Commission