Global Days of Action for Tax Justice Amidst the COVID-Induced Crisis

14 Sep 2020 New York, NY, USA 14 Sep - 17 Sep

Global Days of Action for Tax Justice Amidst the COVID-Induced Crisis

  • 14 Sep - 17 Sep
  • New York, NY, USA

Tax private wealth to safeguard public health! Uphold tax justice to overcome the crisis!

With no end in sight, the pandemic rages on, and is exacting an immense toll in all aspects of human life. We believe that the policy responses so far are shaping up to be debt-financed, corporate-driven, far from adequate, and unresponsive to its gender dimensions. It is thus high time to call for measures that prioritise peoples' survival and wellbeing and build just and sustainable economies.

The UN has estimated that an additional 71 million people will be pushed back into extreme poverty in 2020, which will be the first rise in global poverty since 1998. Millions of informal workers lost their jobs and the earnings of those who could continue to work have declined by 60% globally in the first month of the crisis. According to Oxfam, more than 70% of healthcare workers are women -- and it is also women who carry out more than 70% of unpaid work, performing three times as much unpaid work as men. The list of consequences is endless and our tax systems have been aggravating these existing inequalities.

During the Global Days of Action, we will reiterate our demands and raise the following calls:

  • Tax justice in COVID-19 response now!

  • Scrap wasteful tax incentives benefiting wealthy elites and corporations.

  • Make multinationals and the wealthy pay their share of taxes.

  • Levy progressive extra profit taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals profiting massively from the COVID-induced crisis.

  • Reduce tax burdens on the poor! Repeal regressive taxes!

  • Curb illicit financial flows.

  • Stop corporate tax abuses.

  • Uphold the rights of the poor and marginalised, especially women, to dignified and healthy life. Invest in adequate, affordable and quality public services.

  • Make tax and fiscal policies work for women. Ensure measures that recognize, reduce, reallocate, and socialise unpaid care work and social reproduction.

  • Establish a democratic, transparent, well-resourced global tax body under the auspices of the UN to rewrite and genuinely transform global tax rules.

What you can do

  • Widely circulate GATJ's Statement on Tax Justice and COVID-19 titled, "Towards tax justice in a post-pandemic world: An integral part of the struggle against the neoliberal agenda".

  • Start popularizing our slogans in your events or in social media: Tax private wealth to safeguard public health! Uphold tax justice to overcome the crisis!

  • Add our #TaxJustice slogan filter to your Facebook profile photo. You can get the filter here.

  • Submit a video for our video project - Be a voice for people's survival. Be a voice for tax justice. You will find the guidelines for the video recording and submission in the Toolkit.

Campaign Materials