EPSU-PSI Remunicipalisation-Insourcing Project (INQPS) Launch
- 18 Mar - 18 Mar
- Brussels, Belgium
08:30 - 10:00 CEST
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EPSU and PSI are pleased to announce the launch of a new online training tool to support affiliates to understand the concepts, opportunities, challenges and processes around remunicipalisation and insourcing.
The toolkit is the outcome of the EPSU-PSI European Commission-funded project on insourcing and remunicipalisation – INQPS. The project development has lasted over a year of development and has involved many EPSU and PSI affiliates, who took part and contributed to six Project Steering Committees .
We are pleased to invite you to the two online launch events, which will take place as follows:
Thursday 14 March – 15.00-17.00 (CET) – (Find your local time here.) – This time is aimed at affiliates in Europe, Africa and InterAmericas.
Interpretation will be available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Danish and Dutch. Register here.Monday 18 March – 8.30-10.30 (CET) – (Find your local time here.) - This time has been chosen to enable participation from the PSI Asia/Pacific region. Register here
Interpretation will be available in English, Korean, Hindi, Nepali
However, both meetings are open to any affiliates who can manage in the available languages.
Toolkit contents
The toolkit features three-levels of knowledge depth, beginning with introductory videos, moving into text and infographics and ends with Q&A tests and checklists to enable trade unionists to grasp and command the key concepts of remunicipalisation/insourcing and apply it to their trade union work in a national and local environments. The toolkit also provides extensive information, resources and case studies from the basic to the detailed, depending on the needs of the user. It will be made available on the PSI website and will continue to be developed on an ongoing basis after its launch.
During the launch meetings EPSU and PSI Project leaders as well as Steering Committee members will contextualise and introduce the Project and the work realised over the past year.
The trade union education, web and video experts who designed the tool in collaboration with the EPSU/PSI project steering group will then introduce and take participants through the functionalities of the toolkit.
A Question & Answer session with participants will follow. The session will close on discussing the next steps to disseminate the toolkit further among the trade union community and continue feeding it with relevant resources and cases.
PSI and EPSU want these launch meetings to be accessible to as many affiliates and their officers/organizers/campaigners/members as possible. We therefore encourage you to disseminate this invitation through your networks and encourage any regional or local trade union activist and officials who might be interested and/or benefit from this tool to take part.
We count on your support to ensure that you and anyone else from your union who wishes to attend registers in advance by completing this form.
We look forward to high levels of participation at both meetings and a successful launch and promotion of this innovative, new online tool that will help trade unionists to de-privatise services and bring services back in house.
Reports from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Steering Committees
The report of the First Steering Committee of 19 April 2023 can be downloaded in English, French and Spanish along with resources and presentations.
The report of the Second Steering Committee meeting of 15 June 2023 can be downloaded in English, French and Spanish along with resources and presentations.
The report of the Third Steering Committee meeting of 12 September 2023 can be downloaded in English, French and Spanish.
The report of the Fourth Steering Committee meeting of 28 September 2023 can be downloaded in English, French and Spanish.
The report of the Fifth Steering Committee meeting of 12 December 2023 can be downloaded in English, French and Spanish.
Should you have any questions about the project and your participation please contact the three project leads
For PSI: Daria CIBRARIO daria.cibrario@world-psi.org
For EPSU: Paola PANZERIppanzeri@epsu.org, Richard PONDrpond@epsu.org,
*This project is carried out with the financial support of the European Commission