Capacity building on Global Compact for Migration - MENA region
- 19 Nov - 19 Nov
- Beirut, Lebanon
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PSI is holding a regional virtual workshop on 19th November 2021 from 14h00 – 17h00 CET with the aim to create a Trade Union Consultative Committee from its members able to evaluate the implementation process of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) by the governments, and to formulate a PSI paper to be disseminated or presented to the UN Global Review meeting.
This event is part of the PSI project on "Human Rights, Trade Unions and Quality Public Services for Refugees and Migrant Workers" implemented by PSI in partnership with Union to Union (U2U) and the Swedish affiliates, namely, Vardforbundet, ASSR, VISION, ST and Kommunal.

In December 2018, The United Nations adopted the Global Compact for Migration, that represents a historic opportunity to improve international cooperation on migration, and to strengthen the contributions of migrants and migration to sustainable development. Today, there are over 258 million migrants around the world living outside their country of birth.
The agreement emphasises that all migrants are entitled to universal human rights and aspires to eliminate all forms of discrimination, including racism, xenophobia and intolerance against migrants and their families. The compact "reaffirms the sovereign right of states to determine their national migration policy.
PSI with 45 members from its affiliated trade unions participated to this event in Marrakesh - Morocco in December 2018. PSI organised a Strategy workshop and participated in the civil society days of the Global Forum on Migration and Development, the Peoples Global Action and in the Global Unions Forum on Migration. PSI also played an important role in the discussions that preceded the formulation of the Compact and is continuing to be an active member of the Civil Society Consultation Committee. In addition PSI conducted campaigns, advocated to reiterate the position of the trade union movement for a strong rights-based approach, access to decent work, quality public services and social protection and the promotion of social dialogue as a key mechanism in the implementation aspects of the GCM.
As part of its actions, PSI will organize a regional virtual workshop with the aim to create a Trade Union Consultative Committee from its members able to evaluate the implementation process of the GCM by the governments, and to formulate a PSI paper to be disseminated or presented to the UN Global Review meeting.
Date: November 19th from 14.00 – 17h00 CET.
PSI presentation: GCM overview from the public sector trade union perspective
Najwa Hanna, PSI Sub Regional Secretary for Arab Countries
Sessions, Facilitators/Speakers
Opening Message
Introduction of the Global Compact on Migration and its Mechanism / Genevieve Gencianos, PSI Migration Program Officer
Focus on the objectives tackling working rights, social protection and the right to access to Quality Public Services / Naima Hammami, Coordinator of the “Réseau Syndical Migrations Méditerranéennes Subsahariennes” – Head of International Affairs and Migration at “Union Générale Tunisienne du Travail”
How to Monitor the Process of the Implementation of the GCM - TBC
Skills and abilities needed in the formulation of a Shadow report, TBC
Wrap up and Closing remarks.
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