Building union capacity to shape digitalization
- 23 Nov - 23 Nov
- São Paulo, SP, Brasil
As part the global PSI/FES project "Our Digital Future", PSI Interamerica is organizing a regional webinar, for trade union leaders on labor, trade unions and digitalization.
The webinar will be held on 23 November, 10:00am EST.
register here.
09:00: Opening and welcome remarks
Federico Dávila, co-president PSI Interamericas
Jan Hochadel, co-president PSI Interamericas
09:20: PSI/FES “Our Digital Future” Global Project: Updates and planned activities for 2022
Christina Colclough, The Why Not Lab/Coordinadora Global “Nuestro Futuro Digital”
Steve Porter, Secretario Subregional ISP Norteamérica
09:45: Digitalization in global trade negotiations: FTAs, WTO and OECD
Deborah James, OWINFS/Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR)
Rob Weil, AFT
10:30: The future is now: Telework in Latin America and how 5G will exponentially increase digitalization at work
Sofia Scasserra, Transnational Institute (TNI)/Universidad Nacional “Tres de Febrero” - Argentina (UNTREF)
Giorgio Boccardo, Fundación Nodo XXI
11:15: Conclusiones y próximos pasos
Jocelio Drummond, Secretario Regional ISP Interamericas
register here