Building Trade Union Capacity to Defend the Human Rights of IDPs to Quality Public Services

26 Sep 2019 Maiduguri, Nigeria 26 Sep - 27 Sep

Building Trade Union Capacity to Defend the Human Rights of IDPs to Quality Public Services

  • 26 Sep - 27 Sep
  • Maiduguri, Nigeria


The PSI project on Building Trade Union Capacity to Defend the Human Rights of IDPs to Quality Public Services in Nigeria took off since January 2018. The project has been able to make remarkable progress in terms of building the capacities of union members on the rights of IDPs, organizing health and social care workers in public emergency services into the union and demanding the rights of IDPs to quality public services.

To further consolidate the progress of the project, the PSI will be organizing a 2-day capacity building workshop for union members in Yobe and Borno states respectively, with the aim to:

  1. Build knowledge on the legal frameworks on the promotion and protection of the human rights of IDPs and the role of public service trade unions;

  2. Develop lobbying and advocacy skills to influence policy and promote social dialogue;

  3. Launch the PSI information, education and communication materials on human rights, trade unions and quality public services for IDPs;

  4. Strengthen networking among stakeholders.