19 Aug 2022 Lomé, Togo 19 Aug - 19 Aug
All-Africa Health Sector Unions Conference
- 19 Aug - 19 Aug
- Lomé, Togo
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This hybrid conference held on 19 August will precede the seventy-second hybrid session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa taking place in Lomé, Togo, from 22 to 26 August 2022.
The expected outcomes of the Conference would include:
A communique which highlights PSI perspectives on the pandemic treaty; needed steps for governments of African countries to fund public delivery of health services; demands on IFIs, and the international community.
Provision of insight on discourse of the WHO AFRO 75 for participants that would be joining the meeting on 22-26 August.
Establishment of coordinating mechanism for Africa-wide campaign and policy advocacy.