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LRGNEXT2021 Sesíon No 2 Gobernanza Democrática - Edurne Bagué
Edurne Bagué es doctora en Antropología Social con especialidad en Agua, Sociedad y Cultura por el Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Sociales en Antropología Social (CIESAS, México). Su tesis doctoral analiza la remunicipalización del agua a partir del caso de Terrassa en España.
Her line of work is organised around three axes: social models and forms of water management and regulation, from public policies to the impacts of management models on local populations; the analysis of institutions and water as a common good and new governance practices around water and services; and the relations between democracy, common goods and sustainability in the framework of the ecosocial transition. She collaborates with the UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Human Development at the University of Girona and has participated in the OAT (Observatori de l'Aigua de Terrassa) since its creation.
This presentation is part of the thematic series LRGNEXT2021, session 2, part 2 "Public services 2.0: Democratic governance and participation in local public services".
In the same session
Romaric Montbobier is an employee and CGT trade union representative at Eau de Paris (EdP).