PSI and our unions fight to protect migrant workers and stand up for refugees.

Genevieve Gencianos
Migration and Refugees
Across the world, workers and their families are on the move: either as a result of conflict, war, climate catastrophes and other disasters - or in search of decent work.
These workers are often among the most vulnerable in our societies; they face racism from xenophobic forces and are often exploited as a cheap, disposable labour force.
As trade unions, it is our duty to fight for their human and labour rights and full access to quality public services to ensure inclusion and solidarity. PSI fights to protect the human rights of migrants, refugees and forcibly displaced persons and unequivocally says no to fascism, racism and xenophobia
Migrant Workers by the numbers
million health workers
will be needed by 2035 in lower-middle income countries.
million international migrant workers today
It's equivelant to the population of Russia
migrant workers are women
often especially vulnerable to debt-bondage and exploitation
Defending Migrant Workers' Right to Decent Work
Most of the migration across the world today is led by a search for work.
While labour migration can positively contribute to the economic and social development of countries, it also comes as a consequence of the asymmetries in development between rich and poor countries, with workers struggling to find work elsewhere.
In the public services, skilled health and social care workers in many developing countries are forced to leave their families behind and work abroad to earn a decent income. They brave exploitation and discrimination, and their departure weakens health and social services in their home community.
In the last five years, the migratory phenomenon has become more complex, characterised by an increasing trend in human displacement. Add to this is the displacement caused by climate change and environmental disasters.
Migrant workers in public services
In the public services, migration is more visible in the health and social care sectors. Health workers migrate because of low pay, poor working conditions, lack of facilities and the lack of opportunities for career growth. Health work is undervalued. Women, who comprise the majority of health workers, are disproportionately affected.
Industrialized countries with ageing and shrinking workforce are turning to international recruitment to address their health staffing needs. Given demographic trends and the global shortage, the demand for health and social care workers will continue to rise.
PSI is working to ensure that migration occurs in a fair and ethical manner.
Fair, meaning, it conforms with international human rights norms and labour standards, such as those of the United Nations and International Labour Organization Conventions on migrant workers.
Ethical, meaning, that migration and international recruitment of health workers take into account fairness and equity, ensuring that developing countries are not drained of their critical health workforce while addressing the health workforce needs of all countries.
PSI fights to improve wages and working conditions in order to reduce the economic pressure to migrate, ensure sustainability of the health workforce and defend the quality of public services.
This video focuses on the need to build quality public services for refugees in Lebanon. This is part of the PSI project on "Trade Unions, Human Rights and Quality Public Services for Refugees and Migrants in the MENA region" that PSI is implementing in partnership with Union to Union and the PSI Swedish affiliates.
Video: Building quality public services for refugees in Lebanon
Public Services and Forced Displacement
Public services build community resilience and promote inclusion in the face of conflicts, disasters and displacement.
By ensuring quality public services, we address the drivers of migration, including conflict and climate-related forced displacement.
The only way we can tackle challenges such as conflict and climate disasters is by well-funded public infrastructure and services, built to respond to the needs of those who are displaced, whether internal or across borders - and the communities that host them.
Public services are all about the right to health, the right to education, the right to safety, the right to decent shelter, sanitation, the right to public spaces and community life, the right to social protection, the right to social services and the right to decent work.
Public services are public goods that are vital in fighting inequality, in promoting peace and social justice and in supporting inclusive and resilient communities.
Forced Displacement Today
million persons
forcibly displaced worldwide
world’s refugees
hosted by developing countries
migrant workers
under the age of 18
Influencing Global Migration Policy
PSI influences global governance of migration, displacement and refugee from a union perspective. We fight for the human rights of migrants, refugees and forcibly displaced persons
We fight privatisation of migration & refugee services. We share strategies on resisting privatisation, promote divestment of corporations and support local campaigns against outsourcing of migrant and refugee services.
We fight right-wing and fascist xenophobia - hatred has no place in our communities. We stand with our refugee and migrant comrades when they are under attack.
We stand with refugees and internally displaced persons. We are running projects in Lebanon, Tunisia, Algeria and Nigeria to help build union capacity to support decent work for all workers, including migrants, and defend quality public services for all.
We campaign to end charging of recruitment fees for migrant workers. We lead the campaign to abolish recruitment fees and other charges, which often lead them to debt bondage and exploitation.
We research migration & refugee trends - through our Research Unit we build the arguments needed to fight for quality public services and migrant worker rights and against privatisation and mistreatment of refugees.
In Lebanon, Georges fights to bring water to his community – and for the rights of refugees. After Syrian refugees fleeing the war settle in Georges’ community, he and his union work to ensure they all have access to safe public drinking water and sanitation.
Solidarity Across Borders (EN) "One Day" Documentary series
Take action!
Want to know more about your rights as a migrant worker?
Check out our pre-decision kits
Want to organise a campaign against privatisation of migrant or refugee services?
Know of a case where migrants or refugees have been denied access to quality public services?
Let us know so we can follow up.
Want to join the campaign to fight recruitment fees?
Check out the campaign page for all the materials you need
Want to know more about union organising of migrant workers and refugees?
Check out our union policy paper
Disgusted by the corporations profiting from migrant detention?
Sign the pledge to divest.