Four Danes, two Dutchmen, eight Germans, a Hungarian, a Swede and a Swiss met from August 25 to 27, 1907, in the Stuttgart (Germany) trade union building for the First International Conference of Workers in Public Services. The International Socialist Congress had just finished in Stuttgart’s Liederhalle.
The 17 delegates represented six unions with a combined membership of some 44,500. For three days, they talked mainly about the legal status, pay and working conditions of workers in public services in their respective countries.
Since then our movement has grown into a world-wide federation, with affiliated unions in over 153 countries. However our values remain the same.
PSI's History Book
Names of PSI since 1907
1907 International Secretariat of the Workers in Public Services
1925 International Federation of Employees in Public Services
1935 International Federation of Employees in Public and Civil Services
1946 International Federation of Unions of Employees in Public and Civil Services
1958 Public Services International (PSI)
General Secretaries
1907–1920 Albin Mohs (Germany)
1920–1929 Nico Van Hinte (Netherlands)
1929–1933 Fritz Müntner (Germany)
1933 Ludwig Maier (Austria) - as Acting Secretary
1933–1935 Ernest Michaud (France)
1935–1937 Ernest Michaud (France)
1937–1940 Charles Laurent (France)
1945–1946 Maarten Bolle (Netherlands) - as Acting Secretary and from
1946–1954 as General Secretary
1954–1956 Jaap Blom (Netherlands) - as part time Secretary
1956–1967 Paul Tofahrn (Belgium)
1967–1970 W. Barazetti (Switzerland)
1970–1981 Carl Franken (Netherlands)
1981–2007 Hans Engelberts (Netherlands)
2007-2012 Peter Waldorff (Denmark)
2012- Rosa Pavanelli (Italy)
- Tags (3)
The Beginnings - PSI History Booklet
The office of President was created in 1920
1920–1932 P.J. Teyan (Britain)
1932–1937 Charles Dukes (Britain) - resigned 23 July 1937
1937–1939 Mark Hewitson (Britain) - installed provisionally 1937, elected 1938
1939–1956 Tom Williamson (Britain)
1956–1964 Adolph Kummernuss (Germa ny)
1964–1973 Gunnar Hallström (Sweden)
1973–1985 Heinz Kluncker (Germany)
1985–1989 Victor Gotbaum (USA)
1989–1994 Monika Wulf-Mathies (Germany)
1994–2002 William (Bill) Lucy (USA)
2002–2010 Ylva Thörn (Sweden)
2010-2012 Dave Prentis (Britain) - as Acting President and from
2012- as President