PSI - 主要出版物

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PSI - 主要出版物

PSI - 主要出版物





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Briefing Paper for PSI Affiliates: Summary of ILO General Survey Report

Summary of ILO General Survey report: ‘Securing decent work for nursing personnel and domestic workers, key actors in the care economy’. Prepared by Karol Florek, Research Consultant, for Public Services International, Asia Pacific.

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Right now governments across the world are negotiating a new Pandemic Treaty at the World Health Organization, which will shape the Covid-19 recovery and determine how we deal with future crises. Yet this Treaty can only be effective if it responds to the voices of health workers, whose experiences and perspectives through this pandemic must be at the heart of this process.

The Role Of Community Health Workers During The Covid-19 Pandemic

This working paper on "The Role Of Community Heath Workers During The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Call For The Recognition And Formalisation Of Community Health Workers As Members Of The Public Health Workforce Across Africa" was commissioned by PSI as part of their ongoing work to fight for the formalisation of CHWs, and for the better working conditions of CHWs.

Power Failure - Examining Electricity Privatisation

Around the world, from Nigeria to the Philippines to the European Union, energy privatisation has failed people and the planet. Many governments have sold off public utilities, turning energy into a commodity for profit maximisation rather than for the public good.

Water and sanitation - privatization is not a means of implementation for SDG 6

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The ambition and breadth of the UN's Sustainable Development Agenda has been the object of both praise and ridicule. This report examines the challenges facing the implementation of SDG6, water and sanitation, and the bold strategies required to overcome them.



Public Services in the Crosshairs: The impacts of the investment protection regime on the sector in Latin America

The report, produced by the Transnational Institute (TNI), coordinated by Public Services International (PSI) and funded by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), exposes the risks that the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism implies for the Public Services in Latin American and Caribbean countries.

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PSI Inter-America organized an exchange between affiliated unions that represent corrections workers in Brazil and the United States on October 20th. The event included representatives and workers from the Brazilian organizations SINDCOP and SINDPSI and the AFT from the United States.

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French union CGT culture, UK PCS Culture group and FP GCIL MiBACT in Italy, join forces in a statement which highlights the impact of the COVID pandemic on the arts and culture sector. Together, they reaffirm that culture is essential to the social transformation of society and democracy in building a just free world, united and happy.

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C190 Train the Trainers Toolkit (Activity Workbook)

This workbook contains sample activities for use by trade union educators, representatives or staff members responsible for training, organising or campaigning on violence and harassment in the world of work and the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019.

ICTUR - Focus on Tax Justice

This issue of the International Journal on Trade Union Rights is guest-edited by PSI and focuses on how unions can incorporate tax justice into their campaigning. The journal is published four times a year in English and has earned a reputation as the leading independent forum for global trade union debate, winning a readership in more than 100 countries worldwide.

Special Tax Brief - UN Tax Cooperation

This PSI Special Briefing on UN Tax Cooperation helps guide union analysis and involvement in the ongoing UN process to reshape the global tax system. It outlines the state of play, the likely flow of events and key dates for action.

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Welcome to our digitalisation page - where you can find our key publications, resources and news on how unions can shape the digital transformation in the interests of workers and public services.


Resumen del primer encuentro regional de trabajadorxs con discapacidad

Un encuentro inédito organizado por la ISP Interaméricas en noviembre reunió dirigentes de varios países, quienes debatieron los desafíos de incorporar a trabajadorxs de este grupo social tanto en el mundo laboral como en los sindicatos.

Trade Union Action on Decent Work for Persons with Disabilities

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This research captures and summarises trade union action on disability from over 50 countries, including developed, emerging and developing economies. The research offers a new perspective to trade unions who have not worked on this issue, and points to opportunities for others to develop their work further.

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This groundbreaking conference, organised by PSI with the support of ILO/ACTRAV and ILO/GED, marked the beginning of a new area of collaboration. PSI in partnership with the ILO explored the issue of workers with disabilities with a special focus on the role of the public sector and public services.












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On this year's International Migrants Day, we pay tribute to all workers who courageously battled the COVID-19 pandemic at the frontlines, staffing our hospitals, delivering critical care, carrying out vaccination drives, and caring for our elderly family members - yet, invisible in terms of rights.














Symposium on the Protection of Whistleblowers (conclusions)

The event brought together key speakers and panellists on issues related to the protection of whistleblowers, together with more than 120 PSI affiliates and guests, who addressed the situation faced by whistleblowers when they denounce wrongdoings, how public sector trade unions can assist them, and the best way to protect whistleblowers at the international level.

Care Givers and Takers - How finance extracts wealth from the care sector

This report, authoured by renowned journalist Nicholas Shaxson, examines case studies of financialisation in the care sector from across the world and builds the case for revaluing care as a public good.

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We must shape a new order. Public Services International, the global union representing workers who deliver public services, including those essential for climate action and for fostering caring societies, urges the international community and all levels of government to support a transformational, feminist, just, and equitable transition. More info:


La pandemia: Un gran negocio para empresas transnacionales

Este artículo investiga como cláusulas contenidas en los tratados de libre comercio, conocidas como resolución de controversias inversor-Estado (acrónimo ISDS en inglés), abre brechas para que grandes empresas transnacionales demanden judicialmente gobiernos que crearon políticas de emergencia de combate a la pandemia.

Justicia paralela

Nuevo estudio del Transnational Institute (TNI) y de la Internacional de Servicios Públicos Interaméricas muestra cómo el sistema de protección de inversiones pone en riesgo la independencia del Poder Judicial en América Latina.

気候危機 - 概要報告EB-157


Confronting the climate crisis: Time to Act

PSI is pleased to launch our climate toolkit, developed in cooperation with our Swedish affiliates ASSR, Kommunal and Vision and solidarity support organisation Union to Union


The Crisis in Long Term Care - Effects of Private Provision

This report outlines the failures of privatisation in the care sector across the world as well as potential for resisting and reversing privatisation and reforming the sector to improve the quality of care and the associated workforce crisis.

The Public vs Austerity (Executive Summary)

This Executive Summary extracted from our new report with Action Aid and Education International reveals how the IMF's push for austerity policies have led to cuts in the public sector workforce that have undermined the ability of our governments to deliver quality public services and respond to crises.

Executive summary – The future is public

This is the executive summary of TNI’s new book “The Future is Public - Towards democratic ownership of public services”. PSI is pleased to partner with the launch of this book that tracks more than 1,400 successful cases of bringing public services back from private ownership and/or management

The Labour Dimension of Remunicipalisation. Public service workers and trade unions in transition

This paper is part of Public Services International’s (PSI) ongoing efforts to shed light on the growing union experience in the field of remunicipalisation, aiming to lay the groundwork for successful remunicipalisation while avoiding common pitfalls. For the purpose of this publication, it focuses on a limited sample of the many labour actions, challenges and issues that typically remain under the remunicipalisation radar. It is largely based on information obtained during interviews carried out by PSI with union representatives directly involved in remunicipalisation cases.

Taking our public services back in house - Compendium of 50 remunicipalisation case studies

This compendium of 50 remunicipalisation case studies is the second part of the report "Taking our public services back in house", a remunicipalisation guide for workers and trade unions. Commissioned by PSI to Dr. Vera Weghmann from the University of Greenwich, this new guide provides a timely, extensive analysis and case studies to support PSI affiliates in the process of reclaiming public service ownership and control in the common interest.


Building the Future - Strengthening Young Workers in Trade Unions

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With discussions and interviews across unions from South Asia, this mentorship Module lays down various aspects to understand the prevailing situation, challenges, and perceptions about the participation of young workers and the need for mentorship in trade unions.

C190 Train the Trainers Toolkit (Facilitator Guide)

This manual is primarily for workers’ educators and facilitators as well as trade union staff and representatives, to develop training programmes for trade union staff, leaders, representatives, or members.