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In 2002, Chile and the European Union (EU) ratified a Free Trade Agreement (FTA), in force since 2003. This agreement was recently renegotiated with the aim of "modernizing" it, culminating in December 2022 with the signing of an Advanced Framework Agreement and an Interim Agreement, the details of which were disseminated on official EU networks. The approval of the FTA by the Council and the European Parliament did not meet with the approval of the European left, which voted against it. In Chile, the date for the parliamentary ratification of the treaty is still to be defined. By Esteban Maturana - Plataforma América Latina sin TLC


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Entre los días 9 y 11 de abril, Paraguay fue el escenario de un importante encuentro organizado por la Internacional de Servicios Públicos (ISP), bajo el marco del Proyecto Union to Union (UtoU). Durante dos días, representantes sindicales se reunieron para planificar y fortalecer sus capacidades en pro del trabajo decente y la mejora de los servicios públicos en el país.


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