Sonia Sanchez
Collaboratrice en communication, liaison Afrique et pays arabes
+33 4 50 40 11 63
Sonia Sanchez is Collaboratrice en communication, liaison Afrique et pays arabes
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Entrevista con Juneia Martins Batista, Secretaria de la Mujer, Confederación Única de Trabajadores (CUT), Brasil, al margen de la #ILC2019 tras su intervención en la sesión temática: Día Mundial contra el Trabajo Infantil: JUNTOS por un futuro mejor sin trabajo infantil
Salle de presseHon. Roba Duba, General Secretary of the Kenya County Government Workers Union (KCGWU) and Hon. Tom Mboya Odege, General Secretary of the Union of Kenya Civil Servants (UKCS) speak during the seminar held in Kenya in the framework of the PSI East Africa project on "organising workers for trade union unity of action, density and quality public services" implemented by PSI in partnership with Kommunal and Union to Union.
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